Spare your Leaves

How often have we taken  a time-off, not out of exhaustion or social obligations, but purely for ourselves? You have? Well you’re one of a kind.

Not many make good use of their allotted leaves. The casual leave quota so generously reserved for us is squandered, yes squandered on:

  1. Religious Festivals!

Ankush Bahuguna | via

Being in the land of the holy cows compels you to take a leave off for every other religious festival. And mind you there’s one every other week. Major festivals are granted holidays, true, but even companies can’t afford to grant holidays on every one of them. But… family calls! You owe them your presence. And gifts. And time, apparently.


I remember NOT taking an off on a festival, and my, what rebel that made me. I was branded a family outcaste; all hopes of me getting married and getting 10 healthy sons was shattered. OK, alright, I’m exaggerating, in reality my employers were blamed and cursed… but my obligation was still over. Woohoo!

Well if you’re pious and truly need the break, go ahead, you deserve it. But if the holidays already granted suffice, and if you’re content praying once a day, and would rather not spend another off answering your grown-ups inquiries into your personal life, well save them.


  1. Appointments


That horror at having to waste a precious day off to visit the dentist. Or even to get that 4-wheeler license you’ve been meaning too. *a moment of silence* However, young lady, that’s what grown up life is all about. I’m sorry but, that’s just how it is.


  1. The-world-needs-me Days


If you’re a kind hearted, non-assertive soul, you’ve presumably wasted 50% of your leaves on these.

“Your Granny’s sick! You need to accompany her”
“Your cousin needs to be picked from school. Yes by you, and you alone.”
“The leaking tap needs to be fixed”
“Frugal Mrs. Jane Doe needs a ride from the airport”
“Oh will you babysit my pet pom for me?”
“The world needs you, Oh saviour!”


I-don’t-feel-like-office days


Every Monday, by default, is a I-don’t feel-like-office day. But then there are those special days when you wake up and go all “You know what? I need this day off.”

Yes you do!

Call in sick. If you’re sick quota’s exhausted, tell them it’s for personal reasons. Do not feel obliged or guilty or even work from home. You deserve your me-time, sugar. Go for a spa! Spend a day by the beach. Watch a movie alone. Cherish the next 12 hours of temporary freedom that you truly deserve. Make them worth it. And by EOD, I assure you, you’ll be ready to soldier on into reality.

I need more of these. You need more of these. Granted, we do avail of these every now and then, but, never too often. And we definitely do not need to waste them on self-demeaning occasions. Remember; leaves are when companies are paying you for a day off. Use them well. Use them for yourself.




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